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2023 Wrapped: Our insights

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September 2023

Deep tech innovation is powered by advanced computational techniques and tools supercharging scientific innovation. This revolution comes at an opportune time, as humanity is grappling with urgent existential problems such as climate change. There is a massive opportunity in this space for startups to build both general-purpose models and domain-specific AI models that combine domain expertise as well as AI smarts.

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May 2023

The chemicals industry has a large carbon footprint and many of its processes result in toxic byproducts. Thus the time is ripe to find greener and cleaner chemical manufacturing processes. In the past two decades, synthetic biology technologies have been used to manufacture both commodity and specialty chemicals. These processes are now scaling up, attaining price parity with their chemical counterparts, and regulations around the world are keeping pace.

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February 2023

Food systems are undergoing a significant transformation driven by unsustainable use of land and water resources and rising costs. This transformation is being led by biotechnology-based food products which enable food production in large scale bioreactors, thereby reducing land and water usage, while also enhancing productivities and driving down costs. The next decade is expected to open up opportunities for commercialization of these products, which will require support in the form of financial investments, infrastructure as well as regulatory acceptance.

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December 2022

Synthetic biology uses techniques in genomics, systems biology and bioengineering to improve various aspects of agriculture, ranging from making food more nutritious to making more stress-resistant crop varieties. Agri-inputs, in particular, form a big part of this piece and startups in the field received more than $900M in VC funding in 2021. Going forward, more and more agri-inputs in use today will be replaced by more sustainable ones made using synthetic biology.

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December 2022

Synthetic biology is the engineering of natural biological systems so as to obtain desirable behaviour and end products. SynBio techniques can be used across domains, ranging from agriculture and food to cosmetics to industrial chemicals. Investments in these companies have picked up globally, while the field remains nascent in India. The next decade and more will see a huge rise in the application of synthetic biology to create more sustainable versions of many current products.

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December 2022

Behind-the-meter energy storage systems can help residential, commercial and industrial customers mitigate their frequent issues with the electricity grid. These systems both stabilize the availability of electricity as well as reduce the total electricity bills for their users. Lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries are currently the leading players for such systems, but other alternatives are speedily being developed.

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December 2022

Energy storage systems are required in increasing number as renewables become part of the global energy mix. The requirements placed on batteries to stabilize and support the grid are numerous: no single battery chemistry can fulfill all these requirements. Lithium-ion batteries are currently the leader in grid-scale storage; however, other chemistries are rapidly approaching commercial deployment.

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December 2022

The climate crisis is driving the uptake of renewables and diversifying the global energy mix. Renewables and energy storage systems go hand in hand. Different energy storage systems are appropriate for different applications, ranging from mobility and short-term storage to large long term-storage systems. It is an opportune time to enter the market, and early-stage investments in energy storage startups are picking up in India.

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December 2022

Deep-science tech innovators are working on solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. Their companies work at the intersection of science and technology to bring technologies from lab to market. Deep-science tech generally involves longer timescales, and hence also requires appropriate support. Investing in such companies is also more risky than general technologies, and investors can mitigate this risk by following a playbook we provide.

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December 2022

The Indian startup ecosystem did very well in 2021, with over 40 unicorns minted. However, investments in fundamental change have been missing. To go beyond incremental changes, we need deep technology-based solutions from India that have the potential to scale globally. At Ankur, we’re willing to back innovations that will disrupt the course of tomorrow.

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March 2024
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Building an AI platform with a deep tech approach

August 2023
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Computation and AI: Next-Gen Materials Discovery

July 2023
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Computational Biology: The Next Frontier

May 2023
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Synthetic Biology: Winds of change in agriculture

April 2023
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Synthetic Biology: Challenges in Scale Up

October 2022
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Synthetic Biology: Agriculture Reinvented

September 2022
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Synthetic Biology: From Lab to Market

August 2022
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Genome Editing : Tools for the Future

July 2022
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Synthetic Biology : From Myth to Reality

June 2022
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Translational Research in Deep Science Tech

May 2022
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Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Batteries

April 2022
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Electric Mobility - Challenges and Opportunities

March 2022
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Incubators - Cradle for Startups

February 2022
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Battery Storage Technologies

February 2022
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TechSprouts- The World of Deep-Science Tech


TechSprouts Newsletter: February 2024

Indian semiconductor infra buildout, recent spacetech investments and more

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TechSprouts Newsletter: January 2024

Indian biomanufacturing, quantum thematic hubs and more

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TechSprouts Newsletter: December 2023

Decarbonizing nuclear power, India's satellite to study black holes and more

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TechSprouts Newsletter: November 2023

Cell and gene therapy advancements, ecosystem efforts in CCUS and semiconductors, new photonic materials and more

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TechSprouts Newsletter: October 2023

Rise of lithium alternatives, tech-driven climate solutions and much more

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TechSprouts Monthly: September 2023

Investments in the advanced materials sector, the Draft Patent Amendment rules and much more

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TechSprouts Monthly: August 2023

AI-powered materials discovery, investments in the space sector, the Anushandhan National Research Foundation Bill and much more

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TechSprouts Monthly: July 2023

The rapid development of green hydrogen in India, the draft National Deep Tech Startup Policy and much more

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TechSprouts Monthly: June 2023

The rise of quantum technologies in India, India-US space cooperation and more

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TechSprouts Monthly: May 2023

The outlook on DNA Synthesis, updates on new Centres of Excellence and more

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TechSprouts Monthly: April 2023

A peek into the world of genomics assisted breeding, India’s first deep science forum and more

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TechSprouts Monthly: March 2023

A peek into developments in the Indian semiconductor industry, exciting news from the space-tech industry, India’s first quantum communication link, and more

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TechSprouts Monthly: February 2023

A peek into decarbonization efforts in steel and cement production, next-gen hydrogen technologies and supercapacitors, and more

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TechSprouts Monthly: January 2023

A peek into the future-Generative AI in biology, organic crystals and much more!

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